Tuesday, October 1, 2019

365 days to publish

I have a story I have been working on. I've been working on it for a long time. A really long time. Like 15 years. That's literally most of my life.
Ok, so the story as it is isn't nearly that old, and some characters in the story are older, but 15 years ago is when I decided to officially create my team of super heroes.
The team consisted of "Electro" who had electricity powers he would use to fight back against his school bully and could travel through electric currents, "Pyro" who had the ability to produce and control flames, and "Cyborg" who was a cyborg. (I want to point out that I didn't know of any superheroes that shared these names at the time.) All I needed was the forth member of the team, because all good superhero teams have 4 people. (The year was 2004 when Fantastic 4 and the Incredibles came out).
I wanted to have a girl with psychic powers like Jean Gray (X-Men) or Sabrina (Pokemon series). One day, when I was 14 years old, an idea came to me. My psychic hero would be a human and a highly advanced alien made from pure energy sharing the same body and mind, and that somehow, this would allow her to move matter with her mind.

Fast-forward about 15 years, and I'm now writing about a girl with schizophrenia. No super powers, no superheros. But it's the same story, in a way. The main characters in the story are based on those original heros, and though they may not have to amazing powers I originally gave them, they have become fully developed characters.

It's now finally time to write this story. Time to type it out and get it published. I have set a goal to have it finished, ready to be edited by my 30th birthday. That gives me exactly 1 year. 365 days. I fully intend on seeing this through.

I have had this blog for a while. It was originally set up to submit homework for a class in college (those posts have since been deleted), but now I will use it as a way to show my progress, and give a bit more background about the story.

The working title for the book is The XoYdiuM project, and I'm so excited to share it with the world next year!

The clock starts now